

Physical Education allows students to develop outside of the classroom, providing opportunities to work with peers in a practical setting and offering the freedom to explore existing and hidden talents.

The core PE curriculum allows students to focus on physical, social, cognitive and fitness development through participation in a broad and challenging range of sports and physical activities. Taught activities include: Football, Rugby, Netball, Handball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders and Orienteering.

Core PE also aims to develop students’ understanding of the benefits of participating in physical activity, including the importance of being physically active for sustained periods of time. Students are encouraged to be self-motivated and develop key transferrable skills such as resilience, teamwork, communication, leadership and adaptability. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities will also build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Every member of the Biddick Academy PE department strives to provide an outstanding PE experience which inspires, challenges and motivates all students, through innovative and passionate practice.

The PE department also offer an array of extra-curricular activities which either mirror the curriculum or provide opportunities for students to be active in a wider range of sports.

Curriculum Information - Core PE








Experience types of fitness and develop knowledge of healthy active lifestyles


Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Netball, Table Tennis, Rugby and Dance showing development of quality and control


Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Outdoor Adventurous Activity showing social and cognitivedevelopment


Development of social skills through working with others


Development of cognitive skills through identification of simple sport specific tactics



Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Gymnastics, Rugby, Table Tennis and Fitness showing development of quality and control


Development of social skills through working with and listening to others


Development of cognitive skills through identification of areas for development in performance





Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Athletics, Tennis and Striking & Firlding showing development of quality and control


Development of social skills through working effectively with a small group


Development of cognitiveskills through application of simple sport specific tactics





Experience types of fitness and develop knowledge of healthy active lifestyles


Developing accurate performance of basic physical skills and techniques in Netball, Basketball, Rugby and Table tennis in isolation and in small sided competitive situations


Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Outdoor Adventurous Activity showing social and cognitivedevelopment



Development of social skills through attempting to work with different groups of peers


Development of cognitive skills through observation of performances






Developing accurate performance of basic physical skills and techniques in Dance,  Badminton, Rugby, Handballand Fitness in isolation and in small sided competitive situations


Development of social skills through appropriate expression of emotion and supporting others in need


Development of cognitive skills through refining and changing performance appropriately






Developing accurate performance of basic physical skills and techniques in Athletics, Striking & Fielding and Tennis in practise and in conditioned competitive situations


Accurate application of social and cognitive skills developed during the autumn and summer terms


Year 9 students will begin to develop more advanced sport specific skills building on what has been developed during Year 7 & 8. In addition to these students will experience full sided competitive situations whereby they can apply the advanced skills and tactics as well as working on evaluating their own and others’ performances. 



Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills and techniques in Netball, Badminton, Football, Fitness and Table Tennis in competitive situations with improving consistency


Perform physical fitnessrelated activities showing developed technique and resilience



Development of social skills through attempting to lead peers through a warm-up or basic skill drill


Development of cognitive skills through applying a range of tactics and strategies in competitive situations









Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills and techniques in  Badminton, Fitness,  Handball andDance in competitive situations with improving consistency



Development of cognitive skills through increased knowledge and understanding of theory-based PE content



Development of social skills through attempting to coach peers through a basic task or skill








Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills and techniques in Athletics, Tennis and Striking & Fielding in competitive situations with improving consistency



Development of cognitiveskills through increased knowledge and understanding of theory-based PE content



Accurate application of social and cognitive skills developed during the autumn and summer terms

























Curriculum Information - GCSE PE


In Year 10 AQA GCSE PE students will revisit theoretical knowledge of physical training in relation to components of fitness and training required by different sports performers and develop knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and sports psychology. In a practical sense, students will participate in a variety of different sports in order to help improve skills which will also be assessed for the practical element of their grade. In addition to this, students will begin to complete the written NEA element of the course by analysing their own performance in sport. Throughout the year students are expected to work to the best of their ability, work independently and participate in physical activity outside of lesson time on a regular basis.


Topics covered this term:




Physical Training

Health and Fitness

Components of Fitness

Fitness Testing

Collecting Data

Types of Training

Principles of Training

Calculating Intensities

Injury Consideration

Altitude Training

Seasonal Aspects

Warming up and Cooling down

















Topics covered this term:




Sports Psychology

Skill and ability

Classification of skill

Arousal and inverted U theory

Stress management

Types of goals

SMART targets

Information processing

Guidance and feedback





Anatomy and Physiology

Bones and structure of skeleton

Functions of the skeleton


Movement at joints

Muscular system

Antagonise muscle pairs

Muscle contractions





Table Tennis



Topics covered this term:




Anatomy and Physiology

Respiratory system - pathway of air

Gaseous exchange

Mechanics of breathing

Spirometer trace

Blood vessels

Structure of the heart

Cardiac cycle

Cardiac output / stroke volume and heart rates

EPOC and recovery processes

Short term and long term effects of exercise


Movement Analysis

Lever systems

Planes and Axis



Coursework part 1





In Year 11 AQA GCSE PE students will develop theoretical knowledge of socio-cultural influences impacting on participation. In a practical sense, students will participate in a variety of different sports in order to help improve skills which will also be assessed for the practical element of their grade. In addition to this, students will continue to complete the written NEA element of the course by evaluating their own performance in sport an action plan to improve a particular aspect. Throughout the year students are expected to work to the best of their ability, work independently and participate in physical activity outside of lesson time on a regular basis.


Topics covered this term:

NEA Coursework


Health and Fitness

Physical, emotional and social health

Sedentary Lifestyle


Energy Use

Nutrition and Hydration

Socio-cultural Issues

Engagement Patterns 



Table Tennis



Topics covered this term:





Performance Enhancing Drugs

Spectator Behaviour 

Revision of Y10 and Y11 content




Moderation Preparation 







Topics covered this term:


Revision of Year 10 and 11 content








GCSE PE gives students an in-depth understanding of factors which affect PE, sport and performance.

The course is assessed through two written examinations focusing on the human body, movement analysis, physical training, socio-cultural influences, sport psychology and health and wellbeing. Students will also undertake practical lessons where they will have the opportunity to develop their sporting performance. Their performance in three sports will be assessed along with the ability to analyse their own performance.

Areas of study:

Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport 

Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences, sport psychology and health, fitness and well-being.

Students are given an understanding of the socio-cultural influences, the psychological factors that can affect performers in physical activity and sport as well as the impact and benefits of health, fitness and well-being. 

NEA: Practical performance in physical activity and sport 

Students will be assessed in three practical activities, one of which must be an individual activity or one of which must be a team activity. Students will also complete a controlled assessment where they will be required to identify the strength and weaknesses of a sporting performance, then advise on how to improve upon it.

I love PE, we get to try a range of different activities, and the lessons are fun. I also like the lunchtime clubs and have played football for the school.
PE is a fun lesson, I really enjoyed going into the fitness suite and learning how to do different exercises. I also enjoy the House competition weeks.